VJMC | Verifying the verifiers

May 29, 2024

Vincent McCartney knows identity verification. 

Having co-founded, bootstrapped and then sold his electronic identity verification business, Cloudcheck, for $28 million - he knows what is good practice and what isn't.

You might not have heard of Cloudcheck but chances are you have used their services, as they were the platform used to confirm the identity of Kiwis and their My Covid Record during the pandemic. 

With a bit more free time on his hands since his successful exit from Cloudcheck, Vincent decided it was time to put his knowledge and experience to good use.

VJMC was born to support businesses that are reliant on electronic ID verification. 

“My goal is to make sure organisations aren’t having the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to the services they’re paying for,” said Vincent. “There are a lot of players in the space - some better than others - and I’m really keen to ensure transparency so that  businesses and government agencies are aware of what they’re buying.”

Electronic or digital ID verification allows individuals to confirm their identity online and is typically used in finance and the public sector but is increasingly being adopted by other industries. 

VJMC consults with agencies of all ages and stages that are using or looking to adopt electronic identity verification into their platforms to give them a bit of advice and support. With over a decade of (Anti Money Laundering) AML experience, Vincent knows every loose thread that can often trip up businesses trying to tackle the world of AML. 

Having followed the journey of SquareOne as a customer and hearing the news about Emerge, Vincent was keen to test our mettle - both from an AML and business owner lens. 

“The onboarding was seamless. You followed all of the compliance requirements I would have expected but you made it easy. So easy in fact that when it was time to set up a bank account for RegTech - I used Emerge too.”

Need advice, support or another pair of hands on your strategy for digital ID verification or managing AML compliance?

 Then reach out to Vincent at email@email.com 

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