Ads on Pads - It should be free, period

May 22, 2024

Periods aren't a bloody luxury, but they sure cost as much. A sentiment that is driving Aditi Gorasia from Ads on Pads to do better.

Having returned from London where she worked with Bow&Arrow as a Strategy & Venture Lead - driving digital change for some of the largest brands in the world - she knew it was time to put her experience to good use.

The cost of period care is prohibitive and it’s an overhead imposed on half of the population with no meaningful subsidisation or consideration is a huge failing of society. 

Aditi is on a mission to change it.

Ads on Pads is here to pair advertisers and period care distributors together to provide free period products in bathrooms around the country. 

“People with periods have a fixed monthly outgoing that people without periods don’t,” says Aditi. “It creates inequity and period poverty.” 

The products are paid for by brands who are interested in making a change in exchange for ad placements on the product packaging. 

Having recently scored a contract with the University of Auckland, she’s got the distribution part well underway.

“It’s finding the advertisers who are willing to work with us that’s the major challenge,” said Aditi. “Right now we can only supply a small percentage of the bathrooms at the university - we need more brands on board to scale this across the country.”

With an eye to organisations with plenty of bathrooms such as venues, hotels, public services, events and much more - there’s a huge need for more brands to come on board. But, Aditi realises this isn’t just a challenge for Kiwis. It’s global. 

Once she’s proven the concept here in New Zealand she’s looking to scale Ads on Pads globally, starting with APAC and the US.

An avid customer of neobanks in Europe, Aditi was stoked to see Emerge bearing the torch in NZ when she arrived home.

“I was dreading the business bank account process. When I found out about Emerge from one of your team, it was a huge relief and it’s been a huge addition to my day-to-day operations to use so far” 

[Might need to record a clip]

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